Blue Bonnets
Good Morning Beautiful
Grandma's Girlie
Faith tends to get grumpy and overwhelmed when passed to and fro between family, which is sad because I want them to see the sweet little girl I see all the time! This pic was taken outside of the restaurant where we met everyone...
Even Grandma couldn't win her over this night, and she started to get a little nervous about keeping her at our house, not wanting her to cry all the time! So, Monday morning Faith and Grandma went to work with me and did great! She spent the next day and a half with Grandma at home getting to know one another and everything.
Faith misses Grandma now...we love you, Grandma!
Oh, and Faith started rolling over from her belly to her back this week. Grandma was actually the first to see (and she was very unapologetic about that). She is about to outgrow 0-3 months and is on to 3-6 months for now. Aunt Maria and Grandma set her up with some cute summer clothes! Thank you!
Her hair is getting lighter, there is a new growth of lightly colored fuzzy hair appearing beneath the hair she was born with....who knows...she may be blond after all!
Batter Up!
Faith getting ready for a pop fly (notice the word "hope" stitched in the pocket)...
Fans R Funny
Faith's Newest Fascination
We Miss You Hannah Joy :)
Car Riding is for the Birds (or should be)
Faith is a great car rider so far, bless her poor little heart! She doesn't complain at all really. For our trip back to Arkansas last week, she was excellent until we were about 30 minutes away. She started getting sore, so we started her on some Tylenol. We stayed several days before going back, and I think that made a big difference. The day we traveled back, we made a bit of a detour to see some family that Faith had yet to meet. She was put in the seat at 7:30 AM that morning, and we didn't get home until 10:45 PM that night. Again I say, bless her poor little heart! She is such a sweet baby!! The next morning when I got her up and dressed and put her back in her car seat to go to daycare, she didn't even cry. She looked at me with this mean wrinkled puffy face as if to say, " You've got to be kidding me! This again!!"
This video was taken by mom at a truck stop after she had her bottle and was enjoying time out of her car seat. She was in a good mood. This is the first smile we've capture via video, so enjoy grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles and cousins....