
Faith's First Foods

It's official now, Faith is a bonified big girl...she started eating...from a spoon! (tears rolling down mom's face). Faith let us know that she was, in fact, ready to eat by throwing an amazing tantrum about 20 minutes prior to bottle time over a few days. We knew she was hungry, but we also knew that she was drinking the max amount of recommended formula. So Momma called the doctor and the doctor said "Give Faith some cereal before she goes to bed." Yes, I have been reading the monkeys in the bed book....sorry.

Being the ever so prepared mom that I am, I already had a box of rice cereal for the occasion. I was so excited to give her this new experience. We even had guests over that night who were looking forward to witnessing this grand time in her life. So, I sat her in her bumbo chair and prepared for the moment...Dad had the camera running...so here goes....I touched the cereal to her mouth, a perplexed look on her face is followed by an growing upside down smile which turns into an arm slapping, leg stomping WAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! She threw this fit time and time again when I brought the spoon to her lips, and she calmed down every time I didn't try to give her some.

How disappointing...Perhaps I shouldn't have let her lick a strawberry prior to the rice cereal introduction. Have you ever tasted that stuff? I did, and it is nasty! Not too bad, but strawberries are definitely better. So, that was disappointing, I just knew my child would love eating, I do! Here is a short clip of one of the times I tried to feed her that night...there were a bowl of strawberries on the table that she starts looking at towards the end....listen closely...

Since this night, we've had two successful feedings. She evens opens her mouth like a little bird! That's MY GIRL! The secret was this....I got some Gerber 1st foods apple sauce and mixed it with the rice cereal....wow...what a difference!


  1. too funny! love those messy faces! hope she gets to feeling better! give her kisses!

  2. She is getting big fast! We love you guys.
