
1st Day of Daycare

Monday was my first day back to work, which meant that Faith, unfortunately, had to go to daycare. Last friday we took her by the daycare to introduce her to her "teacher" and dropped off her diapers and other supplies. Come monday morning, I was so busy getting her and me ready, that I didn't have too much time to get emotional. In fact, much to my surprise, I didn't even cry when I dropped her off. I have a good feeling about the place she is staying, and there are many other pressing things going on in our lives to cry about if I just need to cry.

So, I made it until 11:30 before calling to check on her. Much to my surprise...hehe...they expressed that she goes to sleep when they are holding her, but when they lay her in the crib she wakes up and cries. "Really?" I asked...."Hmmm." I don't know who might have spoiled her, but I can do some investigating and find out.

I left work, went to Wal-Mart, and went home and put up groceries before picking her up. I wanted to give her my undivided attention when I picked her up. So, I got there and she was drinking her bottle. I took her and gave her the rest of her bottle there. I noticed that her eyes were puffy and kind of dark...she was worn out! Bless her heart! I took her home and let her sleep on me the rest of the afternoon ;)

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