Fact is, I'm needing some advice from you on a few things...
- When do I have to take her off her bottle? I have friends that have already completely taken away the bottle. Faith likes her bottle, and I like giving it to her...I'm not ready to give this up, but is there something I should know?
- What's the best way to get rid of the dramatic "back bending" fits she throws? She does this when she's hungry or otherwise disgruntled. It's a bit much.
- When did you start potty training with your kids, if you have any. When is too early? Reason I ask, Faith predictable goes tinkle every time she watches the tub fill up with water. She is now 13 months old. My mom suggested getting a potty and just letting her go at bath time. Any tips? Suggestions? Warnings?
Thanks for your input! I cherish your thoughts family and friends!
I am interested to hear the advice you get. let me know what you find out about dealing with fits. Oh, and my plan is is to take the bottle away shortly after she turns one. Tear. I am really sad about this and wondering how Cilla will adjust. I talked to one of my friends that I do playgroup with who is in my sunday school class about weaning kiddos of the bottle. Let's talk soon. I will tell you what she said!