
What to do with Sydney Kitty Cat

With these ear infections Faith has been having, we have been trying to decide what is keeping her stopped up. One plausible cause would be our 15 pound 1st child of the feline type. Oh yeah, with long shaggy hair that is annoying to clean up all the time.

I suggested this idea to our doctor who said that he couldn't do allergy tests on Faith until she is 4. He recommended getting the cat out of the house for several weeks to see if Faith improved with the cat gone.

Would any of ya'll believe that there are not a tons of our friends out there dying to keep our cat for a couple of weeks? Poor Sydney, your family member status is in jeopardy....you'd better start doing laundry or something. Faith loves you, but you allude her. This combined with your dander, just can't be tolerated much longer. What are we going to do?

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